Saturday, March 3, 2007

I was gonna write some crazy shit, but I thought better of it. I just got off the phone w/ my son in the other room; his crazy f-ing g-friend calls here every 5 f-ing minutes and IS DRIVING ME NUCKING FUTS!!!!!

This is my youngest son, the one whose MySpace page features his six pack abs; a modest, humble youth, to be sure. My next oldest is cooking us chili for dinner, we are all so looking forward to this culinary delight! My oldest son is at his g-friend's horse show in Columbia, he has this long distance relationship thing going on; biatch lives in freakin' Annapolis, fer chrissakes! He already owes me $20 from the ATT bill; he will be shocked and amazed when the Verizon bill arrives, and he owes me another $100!!! My other son, who ran away from home, we do not speak of him.

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